I'm baaaccckk!! :) Ok so I know I have been blog slacking but this one will completely make up for it! I have been quite busy this past week. I flew in and out of Chicago in a day for my event management job, and just got back from a weekend in Des Moines for 15 portrait sessions! That is 15 portrait sessions in 4 days.... so I was basically out of control the entire time I was there. LOL. I had so much fun hanging out with Shani's family all weekend and LOVE all my new clients!!! I can't event stand how excited about all of these images and how many more I have to show my clients. I am pretty sure that there are so many that are my new favorites I have shot so far. I am so so blessed to do what I absolutely love!! Enjoy many many pics :)
This is Mena, Shani's younger sister. I tagged along to her "first look" (yes I said first look... apparently this is what they do for prom these days LOL) for prom. She looked stunning. And what was even more hilarious was that all the parents thought she hired a professional to come shoot...LOL. They are basically my family is what I kept telling everyone.

This will make a great canvas.

Dad and his boys

A little flirt

So I know most parents aren't happy when their child has a melt down.. but I LOVE it. It gives me the opportunity to catch great shots like this one.. full of emotion.
Ahh.. to be two years old again :)

Beautiful Blues

The way I shoot business portraits... casual.

To all my clients... thank you so much for putting up with the chilly weather. To Gloria & Curtis (Shani's parents) .. thank you so much for supporting my passion! I can't wait for everyone to see more!