Lately I have been trying to sow positive seeds into my life. Give and you shall receive. Well, I don't really give so that I will receive.. I give because I enjoy it. It gives me joy to see others genuinely excited about something I have to give, offer, or help out with.
A couple of days ago, I was running errands and made a stop at the mall. As I drove around the mall parking lot to find a spot, I noticed an older woman walking around looking for her car. Ok.. who hasn't lost their car in the parking lot? Well, it was really cold outside and I watched her walk through several rows of cars looking quite confused and discouraged. I have this soft spot in my heart for older people... I'm not quite sure what it is, but I am always watching out for them. (I might have inherited a care taking gene from my mom.) Anyways, I finally caught up to her, rolled my window down and asked her if I could help her find her car. At first, she turned me down assuring me she would find it... but I kindly said... I need a spot, and I could just take yours. I will drive you around. Now finding a parking spot was NOT my main concern, but I knew she was a little hesitant to get into a strangers car. She finally obliged. She was the sweetest lady with the purest blue eyes. "Wow... there is a blessing waiting for you. There really are great young kids out there. I can't wait to tell my friends about you. Bless your heart." My day that had been stressful, frustrating, and disappointing seemingly turned around in a matter of minutes.
Moral of this story: Be attentive and help someone in need. At some point.. God will send someone to do the same for you when you need it.
Greg+Amanda's wedding was Saturday, Feb. 7th. I know Amanda through a mutual friend, and love being around her. She is very free spirited and fun to be around. I was not hired as her wedding photographer, but thought this could be a great way to give back and take a back seat on the wedding day. No directions given by me... just a "second shooter" of sorts. I haven't done this in quite a while as I am always in the mix running the show... but I had a great time just kicking back and watching the day unfold from a different spot. I was sooo excited with so many shots, and it brought me that sense of joy because I knew many of these shots were going to tug at her heart. I also had a special place in my heart for Amanda because her dad has been fighting cancer for the past year. As many of my readers know... I lost my grandpa and uncle a year ago (almost to the day the Amanda's dad was diagnosed) to cancer.
Moral of the story: Do something out of the ordinary and unexpected for someone... it will make you feel good inside :)
Thanks for reading... now on to the pics!

Check out Greg's smile when he first sees Amanda.

This is one of my favorite first look shots I've ever gotten. I looooovvvvveee it.

She's so cute and has a fabulous attitude.. even in the freezing MN winds.

Seriously.. they are so cute.

This was one of my favorite candids of the day... check out Greg (in the center) and a couple of the guys crackin' up.

These are the shots during the ceremony that I just love, love, love.

Love the light.

The guys "chillin'"... literally.. freezing :)

Amanda and her dad did a polka for their father/daughter dance. It was sooo much fun.

Greg's mom was quite emotional.. and look at how genuine he's looking at her.

One of my favies from the day.

I heart first dances.

Greg, Amanda, family and friends... I can't wait for you guys to see the rest. Thank you for letting me tag along for the day!