Hello to all my lovely Iowa clients. You are all sooo good to me and I had such a great time there in the fall... I am coming back! I know there were many people I didn't get a chance to shoot.. and many more that I look forward to meeting. I am planning on coming in town April 24th- 27th.(Thursday-Sunday) Hopefully all this coldness will hit the road by then! I will take as many appointments as the lovely daylight permits! Please shoot me an email and let me know which day/time works best for you. I will be working all day, everyday that I am there. (My subtle down time will be watching my friend Shani jump at the Drake relays on Sat afternoon. I will still be taking appointments that day) Thanks to Shani's mom, Gloria, for being my personal Iowa rep. She has been so supportive of my passion!
Here is a shot out to all my current "Iowans"...Shani and her neicey-poo, Amara.

Deshara & Bo... A fierce couple open for anything.

The Eregbu Family... they were absolutely hilarious!

The Dannewitz Girls. I LOVE this shot of the three of them.

Just a few of the many face of Hannah. She was so grown up.. and had such a stylin' hair cut.

The many faces of Addie.... this girls got a lot of spunk!

The Christiansen Kiddos... very active crew. Had a blast with them.

A little sass.

Mr. Jet. This little man has got it all. Cute curls. Big Eyes. Amazing Smile.

Come on..... gimme kiss!

Sweet Jenica.

I can't wait to see everyone again!
Found you guys Via gabriel Ryan..... This is a fantastic shoot!
Nice work! :) keep it up!
just came across your blog - love the image with the umbrella. Lovely work.
absolutely LOVE the color, comp and rich feel of the couple with the umbrella. nicely done! i also really love the little guy framed by the stool.
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