I just got back from an awesome dinner with my mom and my sister. I can't believe my "little" (she is waaayyy taller than me) is 24! She is a year under 25! I don't think this even really hit me until I was bored one day and adding dates into my fairly new iphone ;) I began to write "Megan's... 2...? Bday." Uhh... how old is she going to be?? I had to actually go back to the year she was born and count! Soo crazy the way time goes by. I feel like we were just playing war, building forts, and burying each other in mounds of clothes on our bedroom floor. I guess I am realizing how important it is to take each moment in. Sit back and actually take the moment in.
Tonight the three of us had the most fun we have had in a long time together. We all laughed absolutely hysterically the entire night!! Our mom was cracking jokes left and right like she was on stage at a comedy club. It was soooo much fun, and I really needed that today. Take time to laugh with your family.. be light hearted... and even laugh at yourself.
Here is Megan and her "flourless" cake. (Not exactly sure what a flourless cake is...but thats what our waiter said the bday sundae was...)

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