Amy is a great friend of mine, not to mention a rockin' photographer as well. We are constantly bouncing photo ideas off of each other, playing with lighting techniques, talking about marketing promos or cool new brand concepts.... not to mention the latest blog posting from some of our favorites... Jessica Claire, Becker, Jasmine Star, Kara May, Mark Brooke, Gabriel Ryan, Uniquely You, Ohana... I could go on and on...
Our conversations everyday literally go something like this... "Oh hi hi hi... did you watchBeckers [b] school today?? Are his bloopers not the funniest thing ever? And where does Jasmine Star find all of her rockin' women to shoot? And... SERIOUSLY... Kara May's color in her photos rocks my socks off. Is her daughter not the cutest thing you've ever seen? How lucky is she to photograph all those sweet kids clothing lines?!... Well you get the gist of it. It's so nice to have a friend who is EXACTLY on the same page with everything your interested in.
So we finally ventured off to do some new headshots for her.. as she has some new things she is working on for her business. She is a very fun, outgoing, caring, enthusiastic person whom you can almost NEVER tell when she is upset. Seriously.. even when she is.. she's not. She amazes me with her patience, kindness, cooking abilities, creative ideas, energy, workouts, and parenting skills.

This called work it, work it, work it...


Her little man Tavin has so much energy. He amused himself as I did some shots with Amy.

Love this shot.

Isn't that little coat she put him in adorable? She dresses him soo cute!

This is my fav of the day.. and one of my favs I have caught during a family session. It is so them. Very real.

that first shot looks like it's from an ad for lucky jeans! love it!!! love the sequence of her walking too! have a rockin weekend!!
I wanna come over and play! These are beautiful, I love the last one. You are becoming one of my faves. Can't wait to see more!
Keep on producing these awesome images! And thanks for y our kind words! ;)
wow! the coloring and textures on these pictures are amazing! we love your work! what a great post.
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