There has been something missing in my life for many years. A laugh, a smile, a tear, a hug, a phone call, email, or just sense of feeling complete in a way. I was blessed to fill that void this past weekend that I have had on my heart for so many years. I hadn't seen or talked to my dad in 4 years. I came to realize that the hurt and disappointment that I felt was being extremely overridden by how much I missed him. We are just alike.. very similar mannerisms, same taste in food & music.. and always have a great time laughing together. I didn't want to wonder how he was anymore... I wanted to KNOW. He had JUST been in my thoughts and had wanted to surprise him for his big 60th birthday, but I wasn't sure if I could pull it off... so when I got the call from his sister with an invitation to his major birthday party he was throwing, it seemed that God was making a way.
"There is no one else I would rather see today than made this party for me." I definitely had to fight tears when he said that to me.

Dad, Happy Birthday! I am still on an emotional high from being there all weekend. I had so much fun with everyone and can't even explain how happy I am that I got to be a part of it. I love you.
AWWWW Jamie, what a great post! I love all the images and wow your dad and you really look alike!! Looks like you had a great time! love the first image of your day, it is priceless :)
Jamie- you left a comment on my blog today. I stopped by to check you out, lol. I am so touched by this story. I lost my Dad 5 years ago to Cancer. Treasure the time you have, once it's gone you don't want to have regrets! I think of him everyday, miss him so! Must also mention, your photography is amazing! I am gonna sit back for awhile and admire your older posts!
Not sure how I ended up on your blog..but so glad I did. I've had a rough day..and this story..has brightend my spirit and brought a tear to my eye. Thank you for sharing..and btw, the party sounds like it ROCKED!
what a touching post!! i'm currently estranged from my mom. long story, but i'm really glad that you and your dad reconnected!
love that b&w with the rays coming through the clouds shot! just awesome!
that is so RAD!!! i am truly happy for you! now, if i could only follow in your footsteps. ;)
I really like the colloge, great job.
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