That's right folks.... my best friend, Shani, has made the 2008 Olympics in the triple jump!!! I can't even hardly believe that I not only know someone that will be in the Olympics.. but am proud to say she is my best friend. I have seen this girl in every aspect of her life.. and now I will join her family at the Olympics to be a MAJOR SUPER FAN!!
Her prelims were last friday and she jumped a personal best at 47' and was automatically qualified for the finals. First jump... not bad!! Finals were on Sunday and it was quite the hot day in Eugene, Oregon, reaching in the 90's. She pulled out ANOTHER personal best jump at 47'2 1/4" that WON the meet and gave her the 3rd best jump in US History. Uhhh.. thats right.. WON! After she took a victory lap around the track with her flag in her hand she finally let in the surge of emotions when she saw her parents. (Now I did not get to be there for the trials.. but heard from Shani the emotions she went through) Shortly after she was greeted by super fans (well not as super as me) where she signed AUTOGRAPHS and took pictures. So basically my B.F.F. (best friend forever for those of you who missed passing notes in 5th grade) is a celebrity!!
Shani is in the center.

My mom and I decided to be big and bold. We went to her house late last night and wrote on her driveway and put american flags down her driveway. I also called all of the news stations to let them know that the Olympic Trial Triple Jump Champ was arriving back in town and it would be great to greet her and do a quick interview :) I picked her up from the airport this morning and the channel 9 news had been there. I don't know if she thought it was as cool as I did..but when she got home and saw her driveway, it made up for it.
Congrats Shani... you absolutely amaze me! I can't wait to be there.... and remember "Amazing Awaits!"

How awesome Jamie, love what ya did for her, you are a SUPER FRIEND/FAN, how fun!! oh and shani, you are a ROCKSTAR!! Can't wait to see what awaits for you at the olympics!
ummmmm.....i think you and jasmine star are long lost friends....does her best friend and your best friend both jump long distances into sandy pits and compete at the olympic trials?? crazy :)
congrats to Shani!!!! go get em' girl!!!!GO USA!!!! great tribute to an awesome athlete and awesome friend!!!
How freakin' cool is that?! Love what you did to her driveway! I'll be rooting her on in the olympics!
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