There have been several new learning experiences for me in the past couple of days. If you really tune in, everyday something will come to light that could be in divine destiny. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and as we go down this path, God brings us places to learn something. For the past two days, everyone's patience has been seriously tested as we tried to make our way through Beijing. The process of getting a taxi, getting them to know where we need to go, the major communication barrier, and the actual ride take what seems like forever. Not to mention, by the time we get a cab, we are so hot from the walk, the people and the frustration that everyone is irritated. Well... on the surface, that is what you will see. I believe God tests us to see if we can push ourselves to make the most out of every situation. As we rode in the taxi for an HOUR to the Nike hospitality to eat for our first meal of the day at 5pm, everyone was hot, irritated, tired and hungry. I nodded off for a while, only to realize that we were STILL DRIVING!!! AHHH! Would this cab ride ever end?? But then I realized that as I was frustrated, I was missing this amazing local part of Beijing that the driver was going through. This was not the tourist area, but amazing for photos. I felt like God was saying,"Wake up, Jamie... you're missing it!" So for the rest of the ride I hung out the window grabbing every moment I could.
Lesson learned: While your focusing on your disappointments and frustrations, something great is passing you by. Wake Up!

Last night, as well as tonight, we headed out to watch track and field. There have been some major upsets for the U.S. It was heart breaking to watch as the favorites missed a medal or even finals.

A shot going through the local area. Just incase you don't know... many people ride bikes here... like with traffic and everything!

Love this shot.

As we went through a security line to get into the Stadium, this little girl peeked over at me. Maybe it had something to do with my paparazzi lens I had on at the time ;)

For those of you who do not follow track.. keep an eye out for this story as I am positive it will be in the papers or on the news regarding the Olympics. Tonight was one of the hardest things I have seen and would test me if I were competing. Wallace Spearman placed 3rd for a bronze medal in the Men's 200M. He was not favored to place as far as I know. As the top 3 places did a victory lap around the field, his was the most memorable. He ran up to Usain Bolt, (who broke Michael Johnson's world record!) picked him up as they cheered and laughed together. As he carried the american flag on his back... his excitement lit him up. As the victory lap came to an end, there was a message on the screen saying he was disqualified. Shani explained that it would have been for stepping on the lines as he ran. No matter what, this is going to be such a test for him. How disappointing!!! I pray that he finds a way to look out the window and push past this.