Let me start off by saying... thank you to everyone that has been following my travel experience to China. I LOVE comments as it makes me feel like someone out there somewhere is listening. I appreciate you taking time out to find out what I am up to, our check out my work.
Today was our second day with our private tour. By the way, private tours are the way to go. I couldn't imagine sitting on a huge bus with 50 hot and sweaty strangers, and trying to budge your way to the front to hear about the history of each site. Our experience has been great thus far. We began our tour at the copper factory where they HAND MAKE copper vases, statues and more. The coolest part of the tour was that we got to see, step by step, how they were made. As we walked through the halls, I peered in each doorway to take in my entire surroundings. I felt like I was in an old, old building that would be some kind of museum in the U.S. With my camera attached to my hip, I photographed almost every step I took as each one got more interesting. Everywhere I turned I found something new to capture.

As we made our way into our next stop at the Ming Tombs we t0 make sure to follow certain instructions according to the Chinese superstitions. In order to let the past emperors that are buried here know that we were just paying a visit, we had to pass through a certain gate stepping with our right foot first and saying, "Hello, we are just here for a visit". This ensured that we would not be staying there. (Men had to step in with their left foot) Before we left, we had to walk through the same gate, the same way and say goodbye. We also had to make sure that we did not take any bad spirits with us on our way out. To get rid of them before we passed the gate, we could stomp our feet or do a little dance. We danced as a group :)

I sooo wish I was there...your pics are amazing (as always). I love to watch your journey!!
love love love, that pretty much sums it up!! love your work, love all the fun shots, and love you!! haha, wow im a nerd, anyway, DUDE, you are amazing!! for real on the pic of the stairs, I LOVE IT!! not to mention all the other fun shots you got. Can't wait to hear all about your time there, I am sure you are having an amazing time!! Keep ROCKIN it!!! oh and if you happen to see michael phelps, ask him if he would want to swim swim swim over to my doorstep :) HAHA HAHA LOVE YA!!!
are you serious...I am so beyond jealous of this trip...the pics are amazing I am addicted to the blogs. Tell everyone hello...talk to you soon!
PS Just found out that I can comment...cool.
cool pics cuz, i want to see pics of the forbidden city...did u climb to the emporer's chamber up top?
wow that wall looks insane!!! so awesome!!
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