There have been several new learning experiences for me in the past couple of days. If you really tune in, everyday something will come to light that could be in divine destiny. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and as we go down this path, God brings us places to learn something. For the past two days, everyone's patience has been seriously tested as we tried to make our way through Beijing. The process of getting a taxi, getting them to know where we need to go, the major communication barrier, and the actual ride take what seems like forever. Not to mention, by the time we get a cab, we are so hot from the walk, the people and the frustration that everyone is irritated. Well... on the surface, that is what you will see. I believe God tests us to see if we can push ourselves to make the most out of every situation. As we rode in the taxi for an HOUR to the Nike hospitality to eat for our first meal of the day at 5pm, everyone was hot, irritated, tired and hungry. I nodded off for a while, only to realize that we were STILL DRIVING!!! AHHH! Would this cab ride ever end?? But then I realized that as I was frustrated, I was missing this amazing local part of Beijing that the driver was going through. This was not the tourist area, but amazing for photos. I felt like God was saying,"Wake up, Jamie... you're missing it!" So for the rest of the ride I hung out the window grabbing every moment I could.
Lesson learned: While your focusing on your disappointments and frustrations, something great is passing you by. Wake Up!

wow jamie!!! what a wonderful and exciting trip for you! i check your bolg everyday to see if you have posted something new! i love it! i can't wait to see all of your pics from the trip!
that last comment was from me...i forgot to put my name ;)
jame- you are growing to be very wise! keep on keeping your peepers on what is really important in life. Minnesota will be the same when you get back, we only have a time or two left at Canterbury this season!
Salud Jamie Stoia from Hawaii and Aloha,
Thank you for this post. I saw this event and was elated and then deflated as I watched. Until now I thought perhaps the disqualification had something to do with the oriental perception of dignity.
I appreciate that you noticed and commented as you did.
I hope you saw Senator Obama's acceptance speech tonight.
It's another another perfect day in Paradise.
Roberto in Honolulu
JAMIE!!!!! thank you for coming to that charity event. Those kids will never forget it. They really were special.
jonathan s.
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