I have been having a lot of pregnant bellies lately...I am loving it. This session had the perfect baby bump, a very entertaining couple, gorgeous weather and yummy light. I couldn't as for anything else... oh yes.. one more thing... they brought their own chase lounge to cart around in the field!!! Ahhh how I love my clients!
Dani & Alex + extreme love & adoration+ perfect sun flare = a rockin' shot!!!!!!

A little twist on the regular kiss... how sweet.

Alex looks beautiful... If you walk behind her you can't even tell she is pregnant... she is in great shape!

Dani is so funny.. he likes to hold his tummy too :)

This shot grasps the essence of them. A completely natural shot.. and I think their joy shows through with ease.

The baby (they don't know the sex yet) moved a lot during the session. And when it doesn't... Dani gives the belly a little poke to get "him" (I think it's a boy) moving.

I forgot to mention that Alex and Dani are a past client of mine. I photographed their wedding! It is so fun to watch my clients grow in their relationship.

This shows the comedic side of Dani. He thought it would be funny to put a soccer ball in his shirt ... It was hysterical. He stood with his hand on his back, rubbed his tummy, and looked down at it with adoration. I love it when clients have ideas.. they end up having a great time with it. Good job Dani!

Ummm... this fabulous field was at our second location and I am absolutely in love with every single image that came from it.

I told you... Perfect Baby Bump!!!

There is Dani trying to get baby to kick.. and a little smile from Alex as she thinks it is so sweet.

Alex & Dani... I can not thank you enough for letting me share this new journey with you. I am so excited about this session I am going to burst. You rocked it and I can't wait for you to see the rest... so many, many more! :)
ummmmmm......holy canoly jamie!! you ROCK my socks off!! and can this couple get any cuter, for REAL?? love every single image, can't wait to see a few more!!yz
love love love the last shot!!!! beautiful session!
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