Well...another successful trip down to Des Moines. All of my sessions went better than expected and I had a blast each time. It was so great to see repeat clients and meet new ones. I was a little worried about the weather when I arrived on friday.. it was quite chilly. It could have put a damper on my outlook for the weekend, but I didn't allow it to. I kept my hopes up for beautiful weather, and I got it!
This first session was a bit chillly, but they did great and held out.
Rosemary and Jonathan have been married since he was 20... and she still looks at him with sincere adoration :) They are a family friend of the family I stayed with in Des Moines. On Sunday eve, we all had dinner together and we talked to Jonathan about when they got married. Jonathan said.. "I knew I was going to marry her on our second date." How sweet is that?!

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